“Trump’s Great American Suicide”

Trump’s Great American Suicide

TrRump-LeavingCPAC-2011Is America committing suicide? That is the thought swirling around the darkest recesses of my mind ever since Trump got elected. “Is America the Next Atlantic City?” is another. Though both strong contenders for my attention, they differ. The Atlantic reference suggests that something happened to the New Jersey town, which, in turn, implies that its townspeople were victims. The suicide version suggests a self-inflicted injury.

If there is any indication to the direction the nation is taking, the first weeks of the Trump presidency have pointed towards a bumpy ride. Executive orders are signed faster than they can be implemented. President Trump vows to gut the government, crack down on illegal emigrants while attacking the media for being “the enemy of the people.” Chaos paves the way. Radical statements can be an effective strategy during an electoral campaign to rally supporters, but to govern by them inevitably raises a déja-vu specter. America seems on its way to go down the Atlantic City route.

Unlike Trump’s new America, Atlantic City started as a fairytale. Once upon a time an ambitious young Trump arrived in town and said he would create tons of jobs and build a casino so big that it would become a beacon for many to come. Financial experts told him that the “vision” was unsustainable. He persisted. The venture culminated in such an apocalyptic bankruptcy that the too-big-to-fail developer had to be kept on financial respirator, leaving a smoldering trail for years to come simmering behind. No one got the promised happily-ever-after ending.

Trump is now at the helm of the ultimate project, America.Inc. Whether he got there by selling the same emblazoned “Make America Great Again” dream to its most destitute population is irrelevant. What matters is the position he took: the messianic savior. That he, and only he, could fix America from its own “carnage.” Although it is uncertain what “carnage” he is referring to (given that the economy has never been so robust), in the light of the Atlantic City debacle, one must ponder if voters were not seduced by Trump’s glitzy discourses, and ignoring by electing him they were espousing a form of socio-economic suicide. Great dreams allure a contagious casino mentality. Fortunes can be made overnight. They still rely however on randomness as the last chance to overcome adversity, even if the belief provides a short-term relief. Betting on Trump is a sure bet, we are told.

Within the context of a Christian tradition with a strong evangelical agenda, a call for its population’s suicide would make sense. Wouldn’t its members welcome the end of the world if salvation frees them from their own post-mortem analysis? The scriptures, we are told, will reveal its members the second coming, but only after the apocalypse. Temptation to rush the process could be inspiring. So why not elect a man who promises to “drain the swamp” and tear down all aspects of a working society? But spiritual suicide is the one I have in mind.

But America’s suicide is not a metaphor either. Though Trump’s well-commented-upon pathological traits could be blamed: his delusion of grandeur and profound narcissism. Nor is his temperament an issue here: his impatience, impulsiveness and hypersensitivity. More relevant to the suicide case is his jarring ignorance of cultural, political and worldly affairs. The fact he never reads and yet claims to know more than anyone else is problematic and raises the issue about knowledge. Are his ideas for America merely opinions caught in the glare of TV stations? Where do they come from if not? At the moment, Trump’s desire to bankrupt the American government feels more like an enforced suicide.

No airline would consider an individual plucked from the street to pilot a passenger-filled 787, without prior training. Yet, a man with no prior training was put in the pilot seat to fly the America plane. An election based on the assumption that the skill sets to run a real-estate so-called “empire” transfer logically to a country. Are the passengers better off having a non-pilot flying their plane? Time will tell. No sane person (that I know of) would get into that plane, however short the trip, if they knew about the pilot’s lack of competence. Yet, the dictum “he’s not a politician” somehow when applied to the presidential function works as an advantage.

Unless it is a form of suicide that eludes me, to fly the America plane the captain should, at a minimum, be able to understand some the dashboard’s instruments. Not just the economic ones, but also the diplomatic, judicial, environmental, ethical, educational, etc. all that constitutes the finely-tuned USA machine. President Trump falls short on all counts in staggering ways. Not only he has no interest in the instruments but also demands to have them removed from the plane. He wants to free the banking system again from regulations, ax the Dodd-Frank buffers, dismantle a restraining EPA, giving permission to pollute streams, repeal the Obamacare (the list goes on) without ever asking himself why these regulations were implemented in the first place. Regulations are viewed as impediments to job creation. Is the job-for-all Atlantic City vision being implemented to the American economy?

The same distortion seems to be taking place. The belief that America is a corporation. It is not. America is a country with states, three branches of power, with federal, state and local authorities, supervising a vast range of communities. Within these communities, business takes place. But business is only one aspect of the country. Running a country by putting business interests first with the understanding that businesses alone can fix broken communities is a serious delusion. History shows up that it has never been the case. Businesses destroy communities.

The Industrial Revolution did not provide workers with wealth. On the contrary, it made them more destitute. Workers worked longer hours for less money, because of stiff competition. Living and working conditions were appalling, insalubrious. Mortality was high. Workers had no power. 120 years after the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, little had changed. Take a look at Bangladesh today. It is a picture of us 100 years ago. This is what capitalism looks like without protections and regulations.

It took the butchery of WWI for the process to reverse. Workers began to unionize, mobilize themselves into organizations and communities. Governments along with politicians were forced to recognize their powers. This mobilization from the bottom up called for a better repartition of wealth. The standard of living we enjoy today would never have happened otherwise. A strong government working for the peoples with a robust legal system to protect the peoples from the abuses of both businesses and government is paramount to guarantee equality—a fair share of the pie. Trump’s dismissal of this fact is like flying the America plane with a naked dashboard.

The Great Depression came about because of a lack of banking regulations. The Great Depression did not however manage to obliterate unions and interest groups. They throve for even better protections. The Great Recession was also the fruit of a deregulated financial market. It is shocking to learn that an expert like Alan Greenspan could naively believe that the market would take care of itself. The market works for its own interests. The market will never be on the side of the peoples. It is indifferent to them. Peoples are its collateral damage.

Herein lies the great paradox at the heart of Trump’s course of action. Destitute voters are made to believe that a government defending their interests is responsible for their plights. Strangely, each time social-economic disruptions arise, blames and accusatory fingers point at government and legislation, never at the culprits who created the mess. Focus is on symptoms and never on causes. How did we get into this ideological twist when businesses’ main concerns are to drive down wages or move jobs abroad to cut their expenses and maximize profits? How could blue-collar workers believe that cutting taxes for the 1% and corporations, vowing to erase 70 % of regulations protecting them, taking away their health insurance, were good measures for them? Doesn’t this sound like asking workers to commit suicide to prove the goodness of the market economy? Or like selling the Atlantic City casino mindset on the promise that when the market is strong, the trickle-down society will be flooded with jobs?

Something does not align with the argument. There is a great deal of delusion floating in the air. Why would Trump care so much about the plight of American workers in the first place? Running a government implies servicing the peoples. Being a president demands a no self-interest stance. Trump is a businessman. Businessmen always put their self-interest first. They are against obstacles. To this day, President Trump is unable to give a speech without bragging about himself and acknowledging the existence of anyone else but himself. How is he going to make “America Great” when he has surrounded himself with a team of bankers and billionaires, who have no experience in the functioning of a government or public offices, and who mirror his mindset? How great America is going to be when his new secretaries are put at the head of agencies with the mission to dismantle them?

Demonizing state and federal agencies for their own failings will not solve the unemployment problems. Government and regulations exist to protect the peoples. The promise to get rid of up “75%” of regulations if not more,” would make the American society roll back decades of social and environmental progress. Check and balance mechanisms were put in place, precisely, to prevent the society from imploding through the maneuvers of unregulated industries. Getting rid of regulations will once again create a deflation of wages and more employment, since workers will be replaced by automation. Invariably, deregulations, in the name of efficiency, lead to bigger monopoly, less competition, and higher prices. Trump’s program will only increase disparities among workers and the wealthy. Trump’s vision of America is Atlantic City redux. A brash gamble that opens the door wide to sheer plutocracy with unprecedented cronyism. And we all know that this sort of fable never ends well.

Author du Jour: Alan Jacobson

March 2017. Only six weeks have elapsed since Trump took power, and what a contrast with the previous administration. The country seems to have been seized by the invisible hand of hysteria and neurosis. In recent memory, never a concentration of angry and vocal citizens has been so strident and quick to gather. In this time of uncertainty, it is always wise to take a deep breath and step to the sideline to better understand what is happening. Are we deluding ourselves with this new administration? Is the threat real? Or are we just venting the seething resentment that has been cementing since the beginning of the Great Recession and, why not, the costly Iraq War? This month’s selection provides reflections on our national and chaotic mental states.

DarknessEvil_Jacobson-smallThe Darkness of Evil,” by Alan Jacobson

(Open Road Integrated Media, pp 488, $16.99)

Sanity can be regained in many ways. While there are those who go to great lengths to analyze a person’s psyche to better penetrate it and spend a great deal of time to suggest curative solutions by trial and error, there are also those who advocate the more expeditive fire-by-fire approach. Divergent psychologies imply different perception and understanding of humankind. This is where Alan Jacobson (a truly underrated author) situates himself. Not that he necessarily believes in the latter approach, but in terms of thriller writing, his willingness to throw his characters into the darkest recesses of the human mind makes his story feel like boarding a hell-train from page one. His new Karen Vail’s novel, “The Darkness of Evil” is beautifully layered for this reason.

Think for a second if you woke one morning and found out your father was a serial killer. What would you do? What would you say? This is what happens to Jasmine Marcks, one of the protagonists. Is it possible to love a father who tortures innocent young women? Can a sadistic killer be a good father? Whose allegiance should a daughter have in mind, the community or her father? No easy answer, no matter who we are. But here the novel addresses the question in an original way. Jasmine, who turned her father in to the police, has written a book about him. But the incarcerated serial-killer father manages to escape and now seeks revenge. Karen Vail must protect Jasmine from her own father. But what is Jasmine now going to do about it? . . . “The Darkness of Evil” is a brisk, surprise-filled twisted ride, which will drain every ounce of darkness out of you and make you feel like a sober angel.

Author du Jour: Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Abrams

BookJoy-Lama-smallThe Book of Joy,” by the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Abrams

(Avery, pp 356, $26.00)

A major contradiction lies at the heart of Western societies. The constant pressure towards the quest for happiness. It is no secret that the pressure to be happy creates more anxiety than happiness. Tons of books from fields as varied as sociology, psychology or self-help, have attempted to deal with this issue. Often providing short-time relief with Band-aid remedies, which, as their names indicate, never last over time. Even before pre-Socratic thinkers it was known that happiness never comes from achievement or success, or wealth, or even fame for that matter. And yet, our Western societies keep on promoting these values, with disastrous results on its members. Depression, neurosis, feeling of inadequacies, feeding an endless loop of existential FOMO, and so on, abound around us.

The Book of Joy,” is one of those timeless books that aims at cutting straight through the glut of daily self-pressured drives and bad self-talk. Written by the Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama, with Doug Abrams, “The Book of Joy,” details their conversations, which took place over a one-week period in Dharamsala, India. The goal of the book, beyond reuniting the two spiritual leaders, was to teach the world that the quest for happiness is precisely a futile endeavor, because it is ephemeral. They profess instead to rely on joy, at any moment in life. Especially in time of tragedy and great suffering. Both of them are living proofs, having witnessed countless atrocities. “Every tragic situation can become an opportunity.” Abrams who has a strong Eastern interest translates the teaching into accessible lessons. The message is clear and easily absorbed. But like all disciplines, mastery requires a daily practice. No way around it.

Author du Jour: Eric Beaumard

Beaumard-Wines-Life-small-01-03-17The Wines of My Life, ” by Eric Beaumard

(Abrams pp 280, $45.00)

The Wines of My Life” is a very important book for two reasons. First it was written by, perhaps, the most influential sommelier in the world, Eric Beaumard, who from humble origins and a major road accident that left him physically impaired (he lost an arm), but which only fortified his spirit, hoisted himself to the top rank of the wine tasting industry. For years, Beaumard was head sommelier of “Le Cinq” the prestigious restaurant located inside the Four Seasons George the Fifth in Paris.  The second reason is more prosaic.  BJD contributed to the translation of the book in the US.

Eric Beaumard narrates his tribulations around the world where he visits established names in red, white and champagne wines, Chateau Petrus, Dom Pérignon, Rothschild, to name a few, as well as discovers new upcoming crus and grapes. The present book portrays 75 exceptional wines. Beaumard goes to great lengths to describe why these wines standout from the rests. He traces their origins, history, and evolution through time, meaning winemaking process, traditional or scientific. His meditations are a nose-filled journey through the memoirs of deep musty echoing cellars, the wafting scents of fermentation-stained barrels, and the climbs of steep arid and muddy hills.  Whether you are a wine aficionado or not, “The Wines of My Life” will seduce your palate so much that you will not be able to reject the indelible notes this man is offering you.

Author du Jour: Andrew Gross

One-Man-Gross-smallThe One Man” by Andrew Gross

(Minotaur Books, pp 418, $26.99)

The One Man” marks a radical departure for Andrew Gross. His past novels (nine and counting) were all in the pure thriller genre, a craft he learned straight from the Lord himself, James Patterson, with whom he co-authored several novels. “The One Man” however is a war novel, set in WWII, with a thriller plot. A daring move for an author of this caliber with a large following. But audacity combined with skills and originality can only translate in superior work, which is what “The One Man” bears witness. The characters have gained depth. Descriptions are layered, breathing life, while the plot is more organic and humanly warmer, an anachronism despite being set in a death camp.

In this finely chiseled engaging novel, a Polish-descent polyglot intelligence officer, Nathan Blum, is offered the mission of a lifetime: enter Auschwitz and escape with one of the prisoner, a professor named Alfred Mendl, who is believed to hold crucial secret that could put an end to the folly of the Third Reich. The ending will not be disclosed here . . . but the novel questions the nature of meaning and devotion to a cause, especially when the involvement calls for huge personal sacrifices for the good of all.

French News M6 Covering 2016 US Election

French Channel M6, 11-04-2016

This short documentary covering the 2016 Presidential Elections was broadcast on the French News channel M6 on Nov 04-2016. M6 was interested in discovering whether some French people were involved in the electoral campaign: canvassing, fundraising, supporting either the Trump or Clinton team. I did both jobs for Clinton. You will see me here in action with Théo Chino.

Report was shot in the Upper West Side on Amsterdam avenue in the Latino section.

Is Trump No More Than a Brand Bubble?

Trump-portrayIs Trump No More Than a Brand Bubble?” by Frederic Colier

It does not take a seer, whether Democrat, Republican, Liberal or Green, to agree that this presidential election has been, by far, one of the strangest and most dramatic campaigns witnessed since WWII, not falling too far afield from the worst trash on reality TV.

Not a day goes by without new upheavals tipping the scale from one camp to the other. It would be a mistake, however, to believe that this dubious daily swing has little to do with politics. Sex scandals, racist slurs . . .

read more HERE

Author du Jour: Nancy Colier


The Power of Off,” By Nancy Colier

(Sounds True Publishing, $16.95)

Effective mindfulness practices for transforming your relationship with technology and reconnecting with your real life.

Our reliance on technology is rapidly changing how each of us experiences life. We’re facing new issues and difficulties, we’re encountering new emotional triggers, and we’re relating to each other in new ways. As Nancy Colier writes, “How we spend our time, what motivates us, and what we want are all are on a radical course of transformation.” The promise of technology is that it will make our lives easier; yet to realize that promise, we cannot be passive users—we must bring awareness and mindfulness to our relationships with our devices.

“The compulsion to constantly check our devices plays on primal instincts,” teaches Colier. “Even people with strong spiritual practices or those who have never had other addiction issues now find themselves caught in the subtle trap of these miraculous tools we’ve created.” Through The Power of Off, she offers us a path for making use of the virtual world while still feeling good, having healthy relationships, and staying connected with what is genuinely meaningful in life. You’ll explore:

  • How and why today’s devices push our buttons so effectively, and what you can do to take back control of your life
  • Tips for navigating the increasingly complex ways in which technology is affecting our relationships—with ourselves, others, and our devices themselves
  • Self-evaluation tools for bringing greater awareness to your use of technology
  • Mindfulness practices for helping you interact with your devices in more conscious ways
  • A 30-day digital detox program to kick-start a new healthier relationship with technology

With The Power of Off, Colier sounds the call for wakefulness, reminding us that we can use technology in a way that promotes, rather than detracts from, our well-being. This book provides an essential resource for anyone wanting to create a more empowered relationship with technology in the digital age.

Author du Jour: Jesse Jarnow

Heads-Jarlow-cover-smallHeads,” by Jesse Jarnow

(Da Capo Press, pp 468, $27.99)

If you are a fan of books dealing with the history of salt, timber or something more exotic like sex, you will delight in “Heads,” a book about psychedelics. Though the term has now gained multiple definitions, notably in relation to music and culture, the psychedelics refer to here belong to drugs, yes narcotics. A well-time book, given the massive popular wave to legalize Marijuana. However, you will find no bell chiming in favor of psych drugs.

In this well-documented spiraling history of how these drugs transformed our present culture, Jesse Jarnow offers a fresh outlook. While we can talk about peyote and other forms of LSD derivatives, it is impossible to understand the meaning of Psychedelic without going back to the 60’s, starting first as a counter-culture on the eve of the Vietnam War and the Civil Right Movements. Thinking Huxley having a bad trip in “Doors of Perception,” or Leary’s promoting drugs in Harvard, via Richard Alpert, aka Ram Dass, experiencing a spiritual awakening, would confine the movement to known anecdotes.

Jesse Jarnow has dug deep into the roots of Psychedelia. For a generation, which perceived itself as living in a repressive society, music became the catalyst of a cultural revolution, the bedfellow able to unleash repressed psychological emotions. If Grateful Dead means anything to you, I will set you on course, as you may wonder what “New Age practices, hacktivism, yoga, natural childbirth, Burning Man, Central Park graffiti, with artist like Bilrock and the late Keith Haring, and the internet, have in common. The answer may surprise you.

Author du Jour: Nina Willner

FortyAutumns-cover-smallForty Autumns: a Family’s Story of Courage and Survival on Both Sides of the Berlin Wall,” by Nina Willner

(William Morrow, pp 397, $27.99)

The title spells it all. “Forty Autumns,” is about survival on both sides of the Berlin Wall. If you know the history of the Cold War, you will quickly infer that we are talking about two different kinds of survival. East and West spell out different hardships. In the case of the East, we are dealing with communist repression on all fronts in a Big-Brother-like society, restriction of liberties, listening, spying, suspecting, ideological enforcement, in brief, a constant climate of distrust and cultivated fear. For the West, the survival is more nuanced. It comes from isolation, fragmented family, unfulfilled desires, which, perhaps, indirectly, is the consequence of the severed ties created by the Berlin Wall.

In this historical memoir, Nina Willner tells us the story of her family, the escape of her mother, Hannah, into the West, and her struggle to survive away from her family. A family she would only be reunited to 40 years later, after the fall of the Wall. “Forty Autumns,” emphasizes the metaphor that sometime politics and ideologies act as crushing silent forces standing in the way of families, and their reconciliation. What makes the book stand out from memoirs on the same topic comes from the author’s real life situation. Nina Willner worked for the American Intelligence and got to be stationed in Berlin, during the cold war, just a few miles away from her Eastern family . . . and got to lead missions into the Eastern block. No matter what, human spirit always prevails.